Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Doctrinal Statement

We Believe.....

~ The supernatural and plenary inspiration of scripture - That they are inerrant and that their teachings and authority are absolute, supreme, final and complete:

~ The Trinity of the Godhead - God The Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

~The Personality Of God - The personality and Deity of Jesus Christ, begotten of the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary, Very God and Very Man: The personality of the Holy Spirit.

~ The Resurrection of Jesus Christ- that His Body was raised from the dead according to the scripture, and that He ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God as the Believers Advocate.

~The sinfulness of man - That all human beings are born with a sinful nature, are toataly depraved and need a Savior from sin:

~The Atonement- That Jesus Christ became the sinners sacrifice before God and dies as the propitiation for the sins of the whole world.

~The Necessity of the New Birth- Salvation is by Grace through faith and not of works : saving faith will maintain good works in the life of a believer.

~The Literal Resurrection of the Body of both the just and the unjust.

~The Everlasting Blessedness of the saved, and the everlasting punishment of the lost

~The evangelization of the world- the supreme mission of the church in this age is to preach the gospel to every creature;

~ The Second coming of Christ according to Scripture.

Church History

Calvary Community Church was organized in the Moapa Valley Community of Overton on September 5, 1947. The Metting where held in then The Moapa Valley High School Gym, now Old Overton Gym located at W. Mack Lyon Middle School. (photo of old gym)

The Church was Instituted on Feb. 5. 1950 by Rev. Walter Bishop of the First Baptist Church in Las Vegas and after the formal institution, 31 charter members were recieved into the church.

In May of 1950, church serves were moved to the old Valley Market Store on Moapa Valley Blv. wich now houses the Inside Scoop and the Moapa Valley art Gallery.

With the Sponsership and Financial assistance in Obtaining a loan from the American Baptist Home Mission Society, the Small congrgation was able to break ground and begin construction on achurch building of its own in May of 1950. It was the First church building to be constructed in the community.